

garage door insulation

Retrofit Your Garage Door With Insulation

August 09, 2021 3 min read

In the past when homes were built, the intention of a garage was simply for it to be used as exactly that (a garage). This meant there was little thought or planning in the building of the garage in regard to insulating, lighting and functionality.
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Transform Your Garage Into A Home Gym In 7 Easy Steps

Transform Your Garage Into A Home Gym In 7 Easy Steps

April 07, 2020 4 min read

Spending lockdown (Covid-19) baking delicious food and thinking now would be a good time to covert your garage to a gym? Here’s 7 easy steps to do it. Work out from home and feel great! (Some things you may not be able to do currently but create a list so you know what you need to organise once we are able to do so)...

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How to have a laundry in your garage and make It work!

How to have a laundry in your garage and make It work!

September 16, 2019 3 min read

Just because your laundry is really a garage doesn’t mean it has to be dark and depressing. Can you paint the corner of your garage where your washer and dryer sit? Perhaps a nice light colour or even some wall decals just to cheer you up when you're getting stains out of clothes. 
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