Even if your garage isn’t this big – or this empty – it still has plenty of potential. Could you turn it into a totally different space?
Does it seem like you aren’t using your garage to its full potential? Could you just as easily keep the car in the driveway and the mower in the garden shed?
We come across garages of all shapes and sizes but the common theme amongst them all is they are a well over used storage area that often becomes a dumping ground.
Our pets are very much part of the family and we know yours are too.
Temperature Regulation - We recommend insulating the ceiling and garage door (the garage carpet aids in this as well) as this is the most effective way to keep the temperature constant, warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
John Davison, from Affordable Garage Carpet says the garage is now likely to be an extension of the home, not a room where you keep the door closed.
"Carpet in the garage becoming a must-have, rather than a luxury item," Craig says. "The older generation took a little longer to come around to the idea, but that's changed now as they have seen it laid in friends' houses.
Spending lockdown (Covid-19) baking delicious food and thinking now would be a good time to covert your garage to a gym? Here’s 7 easy steps to do it. Work out from home and feel great! (Some things you may not be able to do currently but create a list so you know what you need to organise once we are able to do so)...
A question we get asked daily is "what is the difference between.....garage carpet and.....garage carpet?" We totally understand, we offer you so much choice and it can be confusing trying to work out which carpet is the best for your home...